Please consider joining us to the Sunset Gap area as we have fun together spreading the gospel and being the hands and feet of Jesus.
WHERE: Sunset Gap in Cosby, TN amid the Appalachian Mountains.
WHEN: Thanksgiving Weekend - Wednesday, Nov 21 thru Sunday, Nov 25, 2018
Our goal is to make this a fun trip with all ages welcome. We will be cooking, serving and delivering out a full thanksgiving meal to the people served by Sunset Gap, Bybee Methodist Church and Angel Nichol Ministries. We are taking a semi full of food from the Midwest Food Bank that we will unload to stock the pantries at Bybee Methodist Church, Angel Nichole Ministries and Sunset Gap. We will also be doing a work day at Angel Nichole Ministries in the mountains of Parrotsville, TN and at Bybee depending on the group size that goes.
WHO: families, couples, singles, REACH, retirees, young and old...anyone!!
Everyone will be driving their own vehicle to and from the Sunset Gap area.
TRIP COSTS: Singles $300; couples $600; families up to 3 kids $1000; families of with 4 or more kids $1200. Cost covers all trip expenses (except transportation) and includes all food and lodging (Holiday Inn Express in Newport) starting with Wed evening dinner to Sunday morning breakfast.
Wednesday: travel ( approx 9 hr drive), settle in and pizza at Holiday Inn Express
Thursday: Cook/serve/deliver Thanksgiving meal for community (200-250 people)
Friday: unload semi into trailers/our cars and distribute food to Angel Nichole Ministries, Sunset Gap and Bybee Methodist Church food pantry; hear testimony
Saturday: work project – depending on group size might be a couple locations
Sunday: breakfast and travel home
Fill out application and forms and give to Court/Joyce. Checks made out to Bloomington Apostolic Christian Church with 'Mission Fund - Sunset Gap' in the memo go to Dustin Huber. Turn in as early as possible; deadline is Nov 1.
Come to MFB on November 6th from 6:30-8:30 to help pack family food boxes
Donate to help with supplies, food for Thanksgiving meal, work project, etc.
Donate your used coats; adults and kids coats needed. Box in big S.S. room.
Court and Joyce Sauder
court 309.287.0957; joyce 309.287.0267