
Mentor Ministry

The Mentor Ministry is committed to providing a personal connection for individuals of our congregation who have a desire for discipleship, need for accountability, or are going through a difficult season of life. Worry, isolation, temptation and doubt are common to all individuals at one time or another. Acknowledgment, connection and shared moments of worship with another individual often provide the first steps to renewal. Selected mentors have been equipped to assist by means of confidential conversation, counseling and discipleship.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

A mentee...

attends the Bloomington-Normal Apostolic Christian Church or is a participant in the ISU young group and comes willingly to learn from a Christian in the congregation regarding topics pertaining to the daily walk of a believer.

How to get started:

  • Click the sign up button below to fill out a simple survey to be forwarded on to the Mentor Ministry coordinators.
Men's mentee sign up Women's mentee sign up

What you can expect:

  • Your request will be forwarded to a Mentor Ministry coordinator who will assist in pairing you with a mentor.
  • Confirmation of your mentor will be sent to you by means of your preferred contact method.

A mentor...

is a member of the Bloomington-Normal Apostolic Christian Church who prayerfully desires to counsel an individual regarding topics pertaining to the daily walk of a believer, by relying on the Holy Spirit, scripture, personal testimony and Godly wisdom.

How to get started:

  • Click the sign up button below to fill out a simple survey to be forwarded on to the Mentor Ministry coordinators.
Mentor sign up

What you can expect:

  • Upon completion of the survey and training, your request will be forwarded to a Mentor Ministry coordinator who will add your name to our list of Bloomington-Normal potential mentors.
Learn about the Closing the Gap Program

High School Students paired with Adult Encouragers

"...and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also."

2 Timothy 2:2

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